Monday, July 7, 2008

swim, bike, run, drink - 1:29.09

yeah, i know it's not a world record or anything. i actually finished 33rd of 50 in the women's race, but BACK OFF! i did it! what did you do this weekend? drink beer and make/watch stuff explode? not exactly the thing to do in England in early July. so i had to explore other options.

the swim was pretty easy, really. i just absolutely suck at swimming. no kidding. i suck. it is not a joke and i am not exaggerating. as a matter of fact, one of the girls that did the event with me DIDN'T TRAIN at all and she beat me by two minutes in the swim. i think if i ever want to do this again i will need a few lessons. i might as well have doggie-paddled for as fast as i was going.

and the bike was sweet, except for the part where i was cookin' on a straightaway and my f*ing chain popped off. lost about a minute there. damn equipment. then i showed my skillz on the run where i passed a few of those peeps that out-swam me an hour earlier.

i like triathlons. short ones.