
for me, the best part about touring, anywhere really, is eating and drinking what is locally produced in that region. i always seek out restaurants that locally source their cuisine, and generally the food comes with a locally sourced libation, too. as dan is reading every informational sign and sloooooowwwly strolling through every room in any museum, i am flipping through my various guidebooks or asking a stranger about the best place to eat nearby. i would much rather see the Colosseum from a cafe terrace than a three hour tour.
as i look back on my life on the whole, i

dear liver, i'm sorry for the whisky in scotland, the lager in turkey, the hefeweizen in germany, the wine in france, the sangria in spain, the schnapps in switzerland, the pilsner in prague, the vodka in poland, the baijiu in china, the lambic in belgium, the ale in england, the "coffee" in amsterdam (hmmm...sorry lungs, on that one), the ouzo in greece, the lemoncello in italy, the margaritas in vegas, the guinness in dublin, and 1998-present.
at least you are not getting a beer belly!
love the photos! Thanks for sharing!
Love your shirt!!
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