Friday, April 30, 2010

a first time for everything

last night i sat down to watch some telly and found myself deeply engrossed in none other than the 2010 Prime Ministerial Debate on the BBC. (it's online in case you want to catch up). i realize that it is odd that i didn't watch a U.S. presidential debate in '08, but couldn't stop staring at Gordon Brown as he did this wierd thing with his chin after each full stop.

GB: "blah, blah, Labour, blah, I hate you Mr. Cameron,
blah." (uughlt) <--chin thing.

for a sample, check this out:

as i watched the three british politicians jabber on about jobs and banking, immigration and welfare, i became aware of two ridiculous facts:

1) this was the first time that the UK had had a televised debate between prime ministerial candidates. EVER. Seriously, UK, the US has been tossing the candidates to the wolves of broadcasting since sweaty Mr. Nixon was defeated by that sexy young guy from Massachusetts in 1960. it's like the british just now figured out that sex sells. what have they been doing all this time? reading? listening to the shortwave? how are they supposed to pick a qualified candidate that way?

2) other than one billboard off the A11 and a few colorful flyers shoved through my mail slot, i had no idea that a national election was actually taking place next Thursday. what happened to the endless reel of campaign commercials where an ominous voice shows the opponenet in black and white with sayings like "Vote No to Drowning Kittens; Vote No on Mandatory Heroine Use" (Music change, change to color, white man kissing baby) "Vote YES for freedom and sunshine, Vote yes for Happy Meal Toys! Vote for Heywood Jablome! -- Paid for by the fossil fuel foundation of America."

And why aren't there any "Browney Loves You" or "Clegg/Jesus 2010" stickers on the bumpers of the VW Golfs in my neighborhood? Do they not have those plastic signs stapled to wooden stakes to put in the front garden? How the hell am I going to know if my neighbor is a bleeding heart, amnesty-giving, illegal immigrant-loving, save-the-poor socialist or not?

Anyhoo, I think that Mr. Cameron and Mr. Clegg actually beat Gordie in this one (yes, folks, the Brits have THREE major parties and quite a few minor ones as well). Maybe this will be a repeat of 1960 America where the public realized that the more qualified candidate (on paper) was really ugly and decided to vote someone more eye-catching into the leading national office.

I guess it's Clegg and the Liberal Democrats for me, then. He's dreamy.