but i was happy to learn that my Wayne County Fuzz Hound is not as purebred as we thought he might be. that's what you get when you play puppy roulette with the local free puppy market. sometimes you score a beautiful, show-quality monster, and sometimes you're shot in the head with a Henry. (either way, you've got a puppy, so your carpet probably could use a good cleaning.)
as for Henry, with a mommy that looked part thick-skulled yellow lab, part smiley pit-bull, part lean german shepherd, and part Beverly Hillbilly, there was no telling who might have been desperate enough to sleep with her.
we thought our baby daddy was rottweiler, austrailian shepherd, lab mix.
oh, a match made in heaven.
after the second trip to the vet, we were told Henry would grow to a healthy 60 to 80 pounds. but he's not packing on the ounces as he should for such a big papa.
our third trip to the vet and we learned that Mr. Doggie XY might have been part beagle, too, making Henry top out at just 35-45 pounds with his stubby little legs.
after seeing the size of the poo increase with the size of the puppy, i'm all for a shrinking of my doggie expectations. i've already lowered them in terms of obedience, chewing, jumping, and running away. at least with a smaller dog, i can still get my hands firmly around his little neck when he's been bad. which is often.
dan's quite sad about our incredible shrinking pooch. i think he wanted a big, tough buddy to make him feel better about being a cat owner. now he's given up completely on Henry being his BFF and has decided that the cat -- the quiet, independent, potty-trained, non-demanding cat -- is his favorite anyway.
oh, Henry, let's go play in traffic...
tally of destruction
- 1 strand white Christmas lights
- my homework (literally)
- a cardboard box
- a plastic garden stake
- the cat's sanity
p.s. he's much bigger now! i need to take a photo, i guess.