Tuesday, December 6, 2011

daddy complex

i hate Dan's jeep.

it's a bit out of character since i do love a big engine. pretty sure my soft spot for high horsepower originated with trips to the city dump alongside D in his 1960-something black Chevy when I was too little to see over the dash. or it could be those visits to the railroad yard to visit D on those rare occasions that he could take time from conducting the train to show us around. a soft rumble, hinting of danger and courage and smelling like metal and oil, there is nothing quite like a string of idling 3,000-horsepower diesel locomotives in the morning.

it seems fitting, then, that Dan is cruising around the skies in his own twin-engine war machine. i've lost that loving feeling? get me within 100-yards of a fired-up strike eagle and I'm practically sliding off my chair. whoop!

but I still hate the damn jeep. it's a paycheck guzzling petrol-aholic with a mess of mechanical issues and inexplicable rattling noises that rival the mini for their frequency and mystery. not only that, but it spent the entire summer at Randy's Good-Ol-Boy Garage getting wrenched and greased to the tune of you-don't-even-want-to-know.

thanks to Randy, i didn't even get to enjoy the summer jeep-owner perk of looking cool while riding around Goldsboro topless (the jeep, not me) in my daisy dukes catching the eye of the locals. (on second thought, i live in Goldsboro and no one over 21 should be wearing daisy dukes, especially me. you get my point.)

my distaste of the big, loud 1984 CJ-7 with a rebuilt Chevy 350 is reminiscent of my own mom's dislike of D's 1972 Chevy K5 Blazer with its 350. she was constantly nagging D to sell the thing after it diverted funds from the family budget or sat idle for a winter or more. as I neared my Sweet 16, I joined the nag-fest because I began to see the Blaze King as the only thing standing between me and something silver and zippy with a big red bow (and we all know how that dream turned out).

but history does repeat itself.

Dan took a page out of D's old playbook to alter my position.

It's so simple: They just let me drive.

This season, Renegade is the new black.


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