Monday, June 23, 2008

why not tri?

try blogging: well, i have never been good at keeping journals. someone once said i have an eight-second attention span. that's about - oooo....shiny....... wait. ok, i'm back. well that's about right. i start something and then start something else. i'm not an expert at, say, anything, but i'm a good starter. so this is my first try at blogging. will we see another post? no clue.

try accessorising: angie said i could do it. update: i'm wearing earrings right now -- and it's just a casual monday afternoon. a big step for me.

try freelance writing: i've submitted my first freelance travel article. will they post it? more importantly, will they pay me? who knows. topic: beer.

try gaming: well, since my husband is in alabama for the month and erin's husband is gone for a bit, too, we switched on the uber-testosterone-filled Xbox and did some first-person shooting. well, erin did the shooting, i mostly tried to figure out how to make my dude walk whilst simultaneously not make myself motion sick from looking at the screen.

try triathlons: erin thought it would be a good idea to train for a sprint triathlon (750m swim, 20k bike, 5k run, my goal: 2 hours.) in just 5 short weeks. i feel exhausted from training, but i can eat and drink whatever i want. will i DNF or will i make a time? if i almost drown, i might kill erin. maybe my next blog will be "try finding new friends."

just kidding. i love erin. BFF.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're doing this and wearing earrings! :)

Timzie said...

I subscribed to your blog in my reader, so I can get hilarious and poignant Holly moments each and every day. :)

Erin said...

So...all I have to do is almost make you drown during the triathlon and you'll hunt for new friends? You should have told me this months ago.

Seriously though--you need to blog so that maybe I will be motivated/inspired to add on to my Sept 2007 blog that has been shared with no one and never added to. Remember, you are my hero.

Unknown said...

your blog is amazing. Brazilian Blowout BB Bond Builder