Saturday, August 16, 2008

america the big

depart k-town, drive to boise, depart boise, drive to coeur d'alene, and tuesday, depart CD'A and drive back to k-town. in all it will be the equivalent of driving from brighton to the very tippy-top of scotland and back -- 750 miles each way, and i'll only hit three states!

the very best part is driving in north idaho and really, really having to pee and not being able to find a rest area. i cruised into Moscow and thought there would be a McD's for a McPee break, but i musta been on the wrong street. fifteen miles out of town and the situation was getting urgent. finally, i had to stop in some wheat field before i ruined my day and dad's truck seat, and sure enough, eight miles later was the first rest area in 290 miles. d'oh!


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