Saturday, August 23, 2008

identity crisis

so, i recently read a blog post of my friend erin, who is also on an American vacation and staying with her parents in Alabama. she mentioned that she feels like she is at home for college summer break. i totally get that, too.

it is so surreal -- living in my old bedroom in my old house, hanging out with my high school peeps, doing chores with mom and dad. dad referred to me by my maiden name and i did a double-take because at first it didn't seem odd.

last night my friends kimmy and tara came over for a BBQ and to challenge my mom and i to a rousing game of Monopoly - Electronic Edition. other than the half rack of BL that we tore through, it felt like second grade when tara and kimmy would come over for slumber parties and rousing games of Memory and Go Fish.

it is nice to be old enough to be comfortable being a kid again. i am not compelled to bar hop at the Howdy Doods Tavern or the Kaz-Hole. i don't want to socialize for the sake of. i just want to have slumber parties, play board games, and maybe stay up past bedtime. plus Bud Light, of course.

i only have a week until i'm off to see dan for the first time in six weeks, and i hope that i easily adjust to adulthood as i've adjusted to childhood here at home. but, just in case i'm packing my night light.


Timzie said...

You make me want to play board games now. :)

Hope you have a great time with Dan!

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