when we went for our walks, people thought she looked pretty tough, but with her ridiculous ears, she still had a certain "Can i pet her?" appeal. she was totally cat-like in her indifference to being petted by strangers. she had a nonchalance about outings to the point that she would sprawl out in the middle of the sidewalk apparently dying of boredom. but with all the smiles and awe (see also: fear?) exuded from strangers at her physique, we never (ever) got laughed at.
this brings me to today as i am petsitting Maddie. i would say dogsitting, but this little polly-pocket-pooch is half dog, half hummingbird, and about

she's quite pleasant as far as dogs go. she likes to cuddle, chew on rawhide, and go for walks. i am definitely appreciating her company and her cuddly-ness, but she's seriously hurting my street cred. everyone laughs at us as we walk around the streets of bury. people have asked me if she was a joke, a puppy, or a toy. i want to blurt out, "she's not mine!" at every smirk, giggle, and eye roll, but i can't hurt her feelings. she thinks she's a big dog as she lifts her leg around the 'hood.
i have never considered myself a vain person, but Maddie has made me realize that i'm probably more suited to a dog that could take on the mailman, not serve as his afternoon snack.
I'm with you on the desirable doggie size. In fact, I don't much care for minature animals of any sort. Give me a HOG not a pot-bellied pig. Or a quarterhorse, not a pony. I do like big animals. Not, however, big men. ;>)
hahaha - there is a dog that comes to my office from time to time that is a hairless peruvian chihuahua. not only does it have no hair, it SMELLS like kingdom come when not bathed daily, and to make matters worse, the dog trainer thinks it is literally retarded. But my favorite part is, i let the stinky little rat sit on my lap the other day and its wenis LEAKED on me! i had retarded, hairless, penile excretion on my pants. i can't make this stuff up.
weeder: not big men? interesting...so-to-speak.
cissy: holy shit. you can't make this stuff up, can you. your story is totally funnier than anything i've written in weeks!!!!
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