Tuesday, February 10, 2009


as part of my independent personality, i've been seeking contact with the natives as of late. i have some volunteering obligations, i say "hi-ya" to strangers, i am regularly inviting myself to dinner with bill and jill next door, and i've been "signed" to the local b-ball squad, the Ipswich Bobcats.

i'm awaiting endorsements to come pouring in after this recent release on the team's Web site, which i'm sure will be picked up by BBC World Sport any day now. what they failed to mention is that our opponent was one 50-year-old lady and a bunch of high school kids. oh, and the 40-something ladies from the british ARMY that we played against in January smoked us.

before the last match, laurie the canadian, and i were having a chat about our age relative to the rest of our team.

"we're old, laurie," i said.
"we're not that old," she said.
"riiiiight, the rest of our team is made of all 17 year olds."
"they're not all 17!"
"no, they're not all 17," i turn to look at the girl standing next to me. "how old are you?" i ask.



Timzie said...

Whoo-hoo, a top scorer!