Wednesday, April 1, 2009

lips and assholes

having grown up in the country, i've had my share of cow tongue, bacon rind, frog legs, catfish, various livers, and even fresh-from-the-field Rocky Mountain Oysters. as i travel, i am brave but not stupid when sampling the local cuisine. i ate goat in china, shared a date bar with some students in egypt, tried tacos "carne" (meaning any sort of meat?) in mexico, and had one of those weird green eggs in hong kong. this week in Segovia, i was happy to add to my resume the lips of cow served with chorizo in a spicy sauce. i am going to steer clear of the assholes, unless you count the tail of bull and potatoes i had on thursday?


Erin said...

I just threw up in mouth a little..again. I need to wash that taste down with a pitcher of sangria and some jelly sharks....