what perfect timing. i am home alone today and was beginning to be a bit sullen about it. oh, lonely, lonely me. when, "ding, dong," the milkman visits. now most of you sex-starved friends of mine would automatically jump to the conclusion that he was young and handsome, blu

e eyes, perfect smile. of course you'd imagine him wearing no shirt to show off his tanned biceps and chiseled six-pack. those abs developed from long days wrestling steers and bucking hay bales...hello? are you still paying attention? please remember that i live in england.
my milkman was a pudgy 40-something dude with bad teeth that was only interested in delivering fresh dairy milk to my door every other morning. despite my lack of physical attraction to this british milkman, i was so happy to finally sign up for milk deliveries. i am so charmed by england and its narrow streets, crooked houses, hedge-rowed-milkman-sporting countryside. it makes me want to give everyone a big smooch, except for my milkman. maybe the postman is cuter?
Dangit! I was totally going to sign up for some milk deliveries, until I saw the disclaimer on the picture. Let me know what you find out about the postman. Maybe he's a furry. eww.
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